That is the main title of a life-changing book, at least for some. The subtitle is Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Its author is Seymour Papert, who was a mathematician and educator.

I am still reading the book and will shortly do a longer post. But if you can’t wait to experience some powerful writing, please read the book. The MIT media lab and Seymour Papert’s family have made this book available for us to read for no charge. Making such a wonderful book (that is still in print) available for the general public for no charge is a truly generous gift. Here is a specimen of Papert’s writing (from Chapter 2: Mathophobia) —

PLATO WROTE over his door, “Let only geometers enter.” Times have changed. Most of those who now seek to enter Plato’s intellectual world neither know mathematics nor sense the least contradiction in their disregard for his injunction. Our culture’s schizophrenic split between “humanities” and “science” supports their sense of security. Plato was a philosopher, and philosophy belongs to the humanities as surely as mathematics belongs to the sciences. 

This great divide is thoroughly built into our language, our worldview, our social organization, our educational system, and, most recently, even our theories of neurophysiology. It is self-perpetuating: The more the culture is divided, the more each side builds separation into its new growth. 

This is marvelous writing, even life-changing, especially if you are an educator!

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