A Mundane Ode to To Kill a Mockingbird

Rujuta picked this book as part of her list of books to read in her ninth grade. I hadn’t read it before and, as a result, I too read it with her. We’d read it just like the protagonist, Atticus, would read it with his daughter, Scout, but with a small change: Rujuta too readContinue reading “A Mundane Ode to To Kill a Mockingbird”

The DARK Homeschooling Experiment Recap – 1

We1 have been lucky! It has been more than four and a half years since we relocated to India from California. Our friends and acquaintances in particular and the society at large have been very helpful and genial through our journey. Also, we have been steadfast about our decision to be a part of theContinue reading “The DARK Homeschooling Experiment Recap – 1”

SICP: A Synonym for Computer Programming

Choosing a cryptic title for your blog-post has a polarizing effect. There is some novelty promise associated with an unfamiliar title. The promise is fulfilled if the blog-post is a good one. Let me try. SICP stands for “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.” If you are already familiar with computer programming, then there isContinue reading “SICP: A Synonym for Computer Programming”

Choosing Physics Resources for the First Year of a Self-paced Study

Rujuta is now willing and prepared to study Physics! She would have been in the eighth grade in a traditional school and we were thinking of how to study beginning physics. She asked me to come up with a “curriculum of sorts”. I gave it a try and here is how we are going toContinue reading “Choosing Physics Resources for the First Year of a Self-paced Study”

How to Do Research …

Paul R. Halmos had been a great teacher, educator, author, and, of course, mathematician. He wrote eloquently about his life’s journey as a mathematician in what he called his “automathography”: I want to Be a Mathematician. It is a book with a lot of mathematics (higher) but it also has a high literary value. HeContinue reading “How to Do Research …”


That is the main title of a life-changing book, at least for some. The subtitle is Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Its author is Seymour Papert, who was a mathematician and educator. I am still reading the book and will shortly do a longer post. But if you can’t wait to experience some powerful writing,Continue reading “MINDSTORMS”

Calculus: Of the Students, By the Students, and For the Students

We are happy to announce that we are doing a calculus group discussion on the Internet! I have not seriously researched if this the first ever such attempt, but it looks like an uncommon one. Apoorv and I have written about it in detail here. Please take a look and let people know. We expectContinue reading “Calculus: Of the Students, By the Students, and For the Students”

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